重新審視您亞馬遜賣家中心的通知,到Performance > Performance Notifications. 他們會透過電郵給您通知,這可以讓你了解被關聯是因為績效問題丶侵權還是其他問題。
到亞馬遜賣家後臺,重新審視你的 Account Health,找出那些沒有達到亞馬遜標準的項目,評估你的銷售狀況丶庫存商品,是否違反亞馬遜的任何政策。就算你已經解決掉之前違反規定的一些狀況,并不代表亞馬遜那時有一次抓出你所有的違規,他們不會給你違規的細節,而是期待你自己了解所有規則并主動地在他們審合前就預防所有的違規狀況。
Order defect rate: < 1%
Pre-fulfillment cancel rate: < 2.5%
Late shipment rate: < 4%
- a. 在同個站點設立第二個亞馬遜帳號丶同時擁有兩個相同的listing。(關聯)
- b. 操作丶維持多個帳號。
- c. 違反亞馬遜的價格條款。
- d. 直接向你的客戶推銷也是違反亞馬遜政策的, 產品內容或是種類違反了亞馬遜政策,但健康產品和成人用品即有可能有這樣的違規。
- 詳細的了解問題的根源。如果關連是多個警告之後的結果,記得要明確的說明最新的警告,并讓他們了解你之前的違規都已在警告之後快速處理掉(且檢查過,不讓他們再次發生)。
- 你用什麼方式來解決此導致關連的問題。
- 之後會以什麼方式來避免此問題再次發生。
- 越明確越好??辗旱挠嵪⒗?I will be more careful"可能會顯示出你并沒有真正了解問題或是采取解決措施。
I’ve identified two reasons for this situation:
1) Inaccurate Inventory. If I don’t know how much of an item I have, it is impossible to tell Amazon how much I have.
2) No synchronizing of inventory levels between my systems and Amazon.
- 盡可能量化。不要使用“many,” “a few,” ”several,” “occasionally,” 等等,使用數字和時間丶日期。
Actions taken to fix this issue:
1) we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours)
2) Do a weekly physical Inventory check and update our in-house system.
3) Do a daily update of Amazon from our in-house inventory.
- 引用你觸犯的條款來表示你了解問題,并采取適當措施來解決。你甚至可以展現你排除了某部分有問題的產品分類或品牌,或是表示你主動減少了一些也有此問題的商品。
4. 將你的Appeal寄給亞馬遜
準備好你的亞馬遜改善計劃之後,將他和你的恢復銷售權要求一起寄到Amazon Seller Performance。點擊Performance > Performance Notification screen) 的Appeal的按鈕,或是寄電郵到seller-performance@amazon.com。
我們來看看范本 :
Late Shipment Successful Appeal Letter
My account was suspended because of a poor late shipment rate. This is nobody’s fault but my own.
We ship items in 24 hours or less if the item is in stock. The problem is that we have too many out of stock situations.
I’ve identified two reasons for this situation:
1) Inaccurate Inventory. If I don’t know how much of an item I have, it is impossible to tell Amazon how much I have.
2) No synchronizing of inventory levels between my systems and Amazon.
Actions taken to fix this issue:
1) Do a weekly physical Inventory and update our in-house system. As discrepancies are found, not only update the inventory but also figure out what caused the discrepancy and fix it.
2) Do a daily update of Amazon from our in-house inventory.
3) Maintain an Amazon Only reserve that will not be sold thru any other channels. The amount of reserve will be calculated to always have at least enough product on hand to handle Amazon orders between inventory updates.
The longer term fix is to implement an inventory system that updates the Amazon inventory on a real time basis. I have started the search for a system that is correct for my Company.
The above will eliminate all oversold (backorder) situations and resolve our Late Shipment Rate metric. Resolving the late shipment rate will also resolve the late delivery rate.
明確, 量化 !! 取回銷售權 !!